Weight Loss

Board Certified Family Practice & Concierge Medicine located in New Canaan, CT

Weight Loss

Weight Loss services offered in New Canaan, CT

Losing weight isn’t easy and keeping it off is harder. But you can reach your goal and stay off the dieting roller coaster with physician-supervised weight loss provided by Seth Sullivan, MD. Dr. Sullivan understands your challenges and develops a personalized weight loss plan that supports your success and meets your unique lifestyle needs. Through concierge care at the office of Seth Sullivan, MD, you also have unprecedented access to the medical care essential for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, call the office or request an appointment online today.

Weight Loss Q & A

How does weight loss improve my health?

Excess weight contributes to hormonal imbalances and inflammation that significantly increase your risk of developing chronic health conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease

Losing weight can prevent these conditions and help treat them after they develop.

How does physician-supervised weight loss improve my success?

Losing weight with the support and guidance of Dr. Sullivan gives you the best chance of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight for two important reasons:

Medical care

Successful weight loss needs more than cutting calories and willpower. Many factors affect your ability to lose weight, and they all require medical solutions.

For example, many people struggling with their weight have nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances that interfere with weight loss. You may also have a chronic health condition (whether diagnosed or yet to be discovered) that should be considered when creating a healthy weight loss plan.

Dr. Sullivan begins your weight loss program with a thorough physical, identifying and treating underlying conditions and creating a personalized plan that fits your unique health care needs.


Your success increases when you have a weight loss coach helping to define healthy weight loss goals and supporting your hard work. As your coach, Dr. Sullivan offers accountability, encouragement, and advice that helps you stay with the program to reach your goals.

What weight loss services might I receive?

Through Dr. Sullivan’s concierge approach, you get individualized attention and in-depth services carefully designed for your personal history and health.  

After evaluating your overall health and medical history, learning about your eating habits, and discussing your weight loss history, Dr. Sullivan creates a well-balanced weight loss plan that meets your goals and fits your lifestyle.

You may need services such as:

  • Nutrition counseling
  • Meal planning
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Behavioral modification
  • Dietary supplements
  • Natural weight loss supplements
  • Prescription weight loss medications

Prescription medications jump-start your program or help you over a plateau, but most are intended for temporary use. Each medication works differently. Your prescription may reduce your appetite, control cravings, help you feel full with less food, or block fat absorption.

Dr. Sullivan schedules routine follow-up appointments to check your weight loss progress and adjust your plan if needed. 

If you’re ready to get serious about weight loss, call Seth Sullivan, MD, or request an appointment online today.